Vocational Counseling...

CPSS has helped many people learn the skills necessary to find and maintain competitive employment. We have unique relationships with The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and many employers to match people with the occupation they are best suited for. We offer job coaching in the area of needs assessment, job seeking, development, placement, shadowing, and follow-up support.
Pre-Employment and Life Skills:
Vocational Skills:
CPSS has attempted to put together a list of training to offer our consumers. However, the consumers that we serve have very unique needs; therefore, CPSS wants to remain sensitive to those special needs. In the event that the outline does not provide the specific training needed, CPSS is open to developing a consumer-specific training plan to address the individual needs of our consumers. CPSS provides services that are flexible, culturally competent, consumer-centered/consumer-empowered, and strength based. This is accomplished thorough the collaborated efforts of the case manager, counselor, consumer and the training specialist at CPSS.
Download the Job Coaching, Evaluation and Training Outline:

job_coaching_evaluation.pdf |